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Nick Bostrom, Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2014, 352, 18.99£, ISBN 978-0-19-967811-2.
Paul D. Thorn
Philosophisches Institut
Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf
Universitaetsstr. 1, Duesseldorf
40225 Deutschland
Nick Bostrom's book Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies is
a systematic and scholarly study of the possible dangers issuing from
the development of artificial intelligence. The book is relatively com-
prehensive, covering a multitude of topics relating to the safe develop-
ment of superhuman artificial intelligence. If the arguments presented
in Bostrom's book are correct, then the book's subject matter repre-
sents a very important field of study, inasmuch as (1) the creation of
a superintelligent being represents a possible means to the extinction
of mankind, and (2) there are actions that can be taken to reduce this
risk. According to other arguments that Bostrom offers, the creation of
a 'friendly' superintelligent being might, on the other hand, lead to the
rapid development of many beneficial technologies, e.g., technologies
that eliminate death by aging.
Bostrom asserts that his book is written as if its target audience were
earlier time-slices of himself, assuming that he wanted to quickly bring
the past time-slices of Bostrom 'up to speed', regarding the present
Bostrom's thoughts concerning the topic of superintelligence. Past
time-slices of Bostrom received a PhD in Philosophy at the London
School of Economics, with studies prior to that in the areas of Physics,
Mathematics, Mathematical Logic, Computational Neuroscience, and
Artificial Intelligence. One will not need such an extensive background
to catch up with the views of current time-slice Bostrom. In fact, I
would say that the book is optimized for persons with training in phi-
losophy, including some familiarity with decision theory. For persons
with such a background, such as myself, the book is an interesting and
relatively easy read. Computer scientists working in logic and artifi-
cial intelligence will also have an easy time with the book. Absent the
optimal background, the most important arguments of the book will
still be accessible, though some of the technical vocabulary (which is
by no means heavy) may be a source of frustration for some. Although
the book is more accessible than typical articles appearing in academic
philosophy journals, I do not think that this should detract from the
book's interest for academic philosophers.
Bostrom's book could also be used as the main text for an interme-
diate level course in philosophy, covering the prospects and dangers of
machine intelligence, an exciting topic which promises to attract many
students. In fact, a colleague and I will use the book for just such
a course, in the months following the completion of this review. The
book divides into 15 chapters, which is almost perfect for a semester
long course that will proceed at a pace of one chapter per week. What
will we be covering?
Chapter 1 provides a concise history of artificial intelligence, with a
focus on describing the predictions of experts, at various stages in the
development of artificial intelligence research, concerning when human-
level artificial intelligence is likely to be achieved. While confident that
the creation of human-level artificial intelligence is inevitable, barring
a global catastrophe, Bostrom acknowledges that it is difficult to judge
how long it will take to develop this technology. Indeed, Bostrom ob-
serves that, in the 1940s, expert predictions placed the landmark 20
years in the future, and that, since then, the expected arrival date has
receded at a rate of one year per year. Chapter 2 surveys the differ-
ent forms that artificial intelligence might take, including Good Old-
Fashioned Artificial Intelligence and whole brain emulation. Bostrom
discusses the relative dangers represented by different forms of artifi-
cial intelligence. Various means of improving human intelligence (e.g.,
through smart-drugs, and genetic selection) are also discussed. Such
ways of augmenting human intelligence may be instrumental to the
development of human-level artificial intelligence, and to the safe de-
velopment of non-human superintelligent beings. The latter point il-
lustrates Bostrom's idea that it may be desirable to influence the order
in which we develop certain technologies.
Chapter 3 surveys several means by which a being might manifest
superintelligence. For example, superintelligence may manifest itself
in a being capable of the same operations as a human intellect, but
at speeds much faster than those possible for a human being. Once
we develop the technology to implement human-level artificial intelli-
gence within a digital computer, it would, it seems, be a short step to
superintelligence via a super-fast implementation of human-level arti-
ficial intelligence. Chapter 4 presents an extended discussion of what
Bostrom calls the "speed of takeoff", i.e., the speed at which the devel-
opment of human-level artificial intelligence would lead to the develop-
ment of 'extreme' superintelligence, i.e., the kind of superintelligence
whose capability in developing and deploying new technologies, e.g.,
nano-technologies, would constitute a potential threat to humanity.
The topic of Chapter 4 is important inasmuch as a slow takeoff would,
presumably, give the human beings involved in the development of an
extreme superintelligence the opportunity to influence the goals and
character of the superintelligent being, or to avert the process alto-
gether. So, other things being equal, we ought to pursue AI research
in a way that tends to a slow takeoff.
Chapters 5 and 6 discuss the likelihood that a single superintelligent
being will come into existence, as opposed to several, and the means
by which a superintelligent being could gain (what Bostrom calls) a
decisive strategic advantage, i.e., a level of technological and material
advantage sufficient to enable it to achieve complete world domination.
If we jump ahead to Chapter 11, we find a discussion of the possible
effects on humanity in the case where multiple superintelligent beings
come to exist, and no one of these beings achieves ascendancy.
Within Chapter 7, Bostrom advances and defends two theses regard-
ing the motives and likely actions of a superintelligent being. Accord-
ing to the first, the orthogonality thesis, superintelligence is compatible
with almost any final goal. The crucial consequence of the orthogonal-
ity thesis is that the possession of superintelligence (in a manner that
would enable a decisive strategic advantage) does not imply being wise
or benevolent. According to the second thesis, instrumental conver-
gence, superintelligent beings with a wide variety of final goals would
pursue the same intermediate goals. The argument for instrumental
convergence appeals to the fact that there are certain intermediate
goals whose satisfaction tends to enable the satisfaction of almost any
final goal. For example, self-preservation tends to be instrumental to
the achievement of one's goals, assuming that one will be in a position
to promote one's goals in the future. Similarly, for a superintelligent be-
ing, the acquisition of additional physical and computational resources
will be instrumental to almost any final goal.
Chapter 8 outlines why it is that, despite the absence of malevo-
lence, a superintelligent being could act in a way that results in human
extinction, or in the end of humanity. For example, charged with the
goal of computing the numeric value of pi , or manufacturing many
paperclips, a superintelligent being might proceed by an unbridled ac-
quisition of physical resources, in order to facilitate its computations
or manufacturing capacity, thereby appropriating our bodies as a con-
venient source of atoms, or modifying our environment in a way that
results in our extinction.
Chapters 9 and 10 introduce, and discuss, strategies and problems
associated with limiting or controlling a superintelligent AI. Two broad
categories of strategy are considered: capability control and motivation
selection. Among the sorts of capability control discussed by Bostrom,
we find boxing (a precaution aimed at the physical and informational
containment of an AI), and tripwires (mechanisms that execute the
shutdown of an AI, if indicators of dangerous behavior are detected).
Bostrom makes a convincing case that various approaches to capabil-
ity control may be unsuccessful, and thus should be combined with
measures that are designed to ensure that a respective superintelligent
being has a concern for the interests of human beings.
Following up on chapters 9 and 10, chapters 12 and 13 outline the
problem of creating a superintelligent being that has appropriate final
goals (i.e., goals that manifest a sufficient concern for the interests of
human beings), and is governed by an adequate decision theory, and
appropriate epistemological standards, i.e., standards that specify what
it is rational to believe, and to what degree, under respective condi-
tions. The technical problems here are considerable, since, to date, no
unproblematic accounts have been articulated in any of the key areas:
There is no received view regarding how to measure the satisfaction
of human interests, regarding what the correct decision theory is, or
what the correct epistemological principles are. Given the preceding,
Bostrom discusses the possibility of indirect-normativity, i.e., the pos-
sibility of specifying the process by which a superintelligent being will
determine what decision-theoretic and epistemological standards it will
adopt, along with its (appropriate) final goals. One idea is that of co-
herent extrapolated volition, which involves having a superintelligent
being determine what our considered judgment would be, regarding
how to measure the satisfaction of human interests, for example, in
the case where we were smarter, more knowledgeable, and more the
persons we wished we were, etc.
Given the dangers described in the preceding chapters, chapters 14
and 15 discuss the sorts of treaties and policy measures that might
be adopted at the national and international levels as means to re-
ducing the risk of developing and unleashing a malignant superintelli-
gent being. These chapters also discuss some factors that may induce
competing projects, aimed at developing superintelligence, to adopt
inadequate safety standards.
Assuming that we take Bostrom's warnings seriously, the book out-
lines many lines of research by which we can increase the likelihood
of developing a safe superintelligent being. For example, it looks like
developing correct epistemological standards will be essential for creat-
ing a safe superintelligent being. Indeed, if we create a superintelligent
being with the correct goals (including an appropriate concern for the
interests of human beings) and the correct decision theory, we may still
be in trouble if the being is radically deluded about the state of the
world. To date, the problem of outlining correct epistemic standards
has proven beyond the capacities of mankind – perhaps the problem is
ill-defined. If the problem is beyond us, it may be that we can harness
indirect-normativity, and allow a prospective superbeing to figure out
the correct epistemic standards for itself. If we attempt this route,
then we will at least need to articulate, in a precise and unambiguous
manner, what problem it is that epistemic standards are intended to
solve. Even here, the task has so far proven beyond the capacities of
mankind. Beyond developing correct epistemic standards, or specifying
the problem for which epistemic standards are the solution, it appears
that we would need to complete similar projects, concerning the correct
decision theory, and the correct means of evaluating human interests,
if we are going to create a safe superintelligent being. A further point,
which I did not find in Bostrom's book, is that implementing correct
epistemic standards (whether directly or indirectly) will be essential,
if we hope to use indirect-normativity in order to impart a superbeing
with the correct decision theory, and an adequate means of evaluating
human interests.
Bostrom presupposes a Bayesian picture of epistemic rationality,
and thus maintains that specifying the correct epistemic standards
amounts to selecting a correct prior probability function, at which point
an agent's degrees of belief should be updated by conditionalization.
Given this Bayesian picture, Bostrom argues that the problem of pro-
viding an artificial being with correct (or safe) epistemic standards may
be less difficult than providing the being with suitable goals or the cor-
rect decision theory. Bostrom's optimisim concerning the provision of
correct epistemic standards is based on formal results that show that
updating relevantly similar prior probabilities by Bayesian condition-
alization, given a sufficiently abundant and varied body of evidence (a
body of evidence meeting certain formal conditions), yields converging
posterior probabilities. In other words, modest differences in an arti-
ficial being's epistemic starting point will not prevent the being from
reaching the same (presumed correct) conclusion that it would have
reached had it had different prior probabilities (so long as the being's
evidence meets certain conditions). Assuming that Bayesianism pro-
vides an adequate epistemic framework (which is an assumption that
many would be unwilling to grant) and that our prospective super-
being has access to a body of evidence of the sort that would yield
convergent posteriors (another big assumption), Bostrom appears to
have overlooked the problem of providing adequate criteria concerning
when it is correct to regard a proposition as 'evident', and thereby
a proper object upon which to conditionalize. This is a considerable
problem, whose difficulty is accentuated when we consider it in the
context of designing a safe superintelligent being.
Despite the preceding quibble, I think Bostrom is successful in de-
fending the main thesis of his book, which is that there are credible rea-
sons to believe that the development of artificial intelligence represents
a significant risk to the future of humanity. Notice that the objection
of the preceding paragraph maintains that Bostrom has underestimated
the difficulty of solving one problem that is probably essential to the
creation of a safe superintelligent being. On the other hand, one might
think that Bostrom overestimates the likelihood of one or another sce-
nario by which the creation of a superintelligent being leads to the
end of humanity, perhaps because one thinks he overestimates the dif-
ficulty of solving or implementing one or another safety measure. Here
it should be noted that Bostrom is careful to acknowledge how difficult
it is to estimate the likelihood that certain possibilities will come to
pass. Given the difficulty of making such judgments, and given the
tremendous stakes, it appears that we ought to take Bostrom's warn-
ings seriously. Assuming that we do take his warnings seriously, his
book lays an excellent foundation from which future work concerning
the creation of safe artificial intelligence may proceed.
- Christopher Ryan Baquero Maboloc
Advances in Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) worry people. The thinking is that developments in the field are limited to affluent societies and, in this way, deprive the people in the Third World of the fruits of human progress. This study is concerned with giving modern technology its human face. Technology is not just a means to an end. It reveals a way of life. Transdisciplinarity is a crucial concept that allows us to bridge the gap between integrated science and philosophy. The critical theory of technology makes this possible. Both have a common epistemic interest regarding society's life-changing questions. This chapter is an attempt to address the issue of how nanoscience and AI can help promote the well-being of people. The main point is that modern technology must expand rather than preclude human freedom. The question of transdisciplinarity between science and critical philosophy is about the important role of modern technology in realizing the good life.
- Carolin Joseph
Künstliche Intelligenz ist ein Novum, welches viel Faszination auslöst und teilweise mehr verspricht, als es aktuell leistet. Der Begriff der künstlichen Intelligenz findet sich täglich in vielen Medien wieder, wobei viele Menschen diese Art von Technik noch nicht vollständig einordnen können. Eine bereits weit verbreitete Anwendung sind Chatbots, die im privaten wie auch beruflichen Kontext Anwendung finden. Dieser Beitrag zeigt, dass Technikakzeptanz und Veränderungsbereitschaft eine essenzielle Rolle dabei spielen, den digitalen Wandel erfolgreich zu gestalten. Organisationen, die wissen, wie veränderungsbereit ihre Mitarbeiter sind, können besser verstehen, wie eine technische Neuerung akzeptiert wird. Einflussfaktoren wie die wahrgenommene Nützlichkeit oder die wahrgenommene Leichtigkeit in der Benutzung einer neuen Technik lassen sich bewusst beeinflussen. Die Betrachtung von Technikakzeptanz und Veränderungsbereitschaft hilft dabei, Widerstände und Barrieren bei der erfolgreichen Einführung technischer Neuerung früh zu erkennen, und schafft die Möglichkeit, rechtzeitig zu intervenieren.
- Sebastian Schuchmann
This paper examines the probability of an approaching AI winter by comparing historical patterns to the modern era. First, the historical literature is analyzed and the central causes leading to an AI winter period are distilled and discussed: - Expectations and promises compared to the actual results; - Funding from governments and industries; - Technological limitations. Second, the present is analyzed from the perspective of these causes. Regarding the expectations and promises, the analysis indicates that a Hype Cycle pattern can be found in current conference attendees numbers similar to that in the AI winter in the 1980s; consequently pointing to a potential decline in attendees and interest. Furthermore, while optimistic claims about the progress of AI are commonly made by futurists such as Kurzweil predicting machines will reach human-level intelligence by 2029, a meta-analysis of AI predictions has shown their unreliability, including those of experts. Nonetheless, government and industry funding is healthy and the ``AI Race" mentality, which is similar to the 20th century Space Race, lessens the prospect of reduced funding. Nonetheless, forecasts for the market in 2025 still show an enormous variance. Finally, there are substantial critiques of the current deep learning approaches. However, the experts appear to be aware of the critique and have started building solutions. To conclude, there is a real possibility of an approaching AI winter. Still, the current funding provides the field with a solid foot on the ground even as public sentiment is starting to shift. Furthermore, numerous companies have integrated AI solutions throughout their products.
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